Did you know your period plays a key role in determining how your skin looks? Let's have a quick biology lesson. Your skin cells grow and turn over approximately every four weeks. Our menstrual cycles also occur within that time frame. Our oestrogen and progesterone hormone levels fluctuate during this period, having different effects on our skin. There are four phases of the menstrual cycle: the follicular phase (around seven days), then ovulation phase (around one to two days) the luteal phase (ten to fourteen days), and finally the menstrual phase (four to seven days).


A circle with 4 sections explaining the 4 phases of a menstrual cycle



This phase starts after your period ends. Your skin is at its peak glow, producing collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. Enhance this glow by prioritising active ingredients such as vitamin C, retinoids and AHAs. Also focus on exfoliation as new skin cells are forming, so you want to increase that cell turnover!  

Plate with half an orange and 2 small brown glass bottles on a white cloth



 Your skin will start producing more oil and blemishes will begin to pop up as more progesterone is released. Pores will compress causing build up that can lead to breakouts! Add a clay mask to soak up all the impurities and excess oil, alternatively, try using a toner.

Chinese girl applying light pink clay mask with a brush and smiling



 As more progesterone is released, oil production and pimples also increase. Try switching to a cleanser with salicylic acid to combat this and follow up with spot treatments containing tea tree oil! Niacinamide is also another lifesaver!


Transparent glass jar with white cream and black lid next to it


Your period has arrived! Progesterone and oestrogen levels are low so your skin's barrier is at its weakest with your skin feeling dry and dehydrated. Try using serums and moisturisers with hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid ceramides and niacinamide! Your skin may also be more sensitive and irritable so ensure your products are fragrance-free and hypoallergenic. Look out for products containing aloe vera and centella asiatica (cica) for soothing effect.

One hand applying a drop of liquid on the second hand, which is holding a brown glass jar


Start taking note of how your skin looks and feels over several months to see if you can identify a pattern; then you can focus on tackling any problems areas you may experience during different phases and then apply the right skincare. We recommend you opt for brands that use natural ingredients and are bottled in eco-friendly packaging/packaging you can reuse or repurpose!